American Red Cross - Safety Training Pros

National Lifeguard Shortage

Posted on by Trainer in Aquatics, General Leave a comment

Over the past several summers swimming pools, rivers, lakes and beaches have been affected by an increasing shortage of lifeguards. Many news articles and press releases have brought attention to this problem but agencies continue to struggle season after season. City recreation departments and private health clubs spread the word about employment opportunities, but applications slowly trickle in. Pool managers with staffing struggles delay their openings and in some cases close pools entirely. So what has happened to the appeal of being a lifeguard? It’s a great learning tool and stepping stone for those entering health care or public safety fields. For many teens and college students it can be a great summer job.

A 2014 American Red Cross survey found 10 Americans die every day from unintentional drowning — two of them are children younger than 14. As a certified Lifeguard you can help to prevent these types of incidents and accidents from occurring. Safety Training Pros provides Lifeguard classes, beginning in March, throughout Northern California. Our classes are Fun, Fast and Easy! We prepare each student for real life situations. Students learn the knowledge and skills needed to help prevent and respond to aquatic emergencies. Through videos, group discussion and hands-on practice, students learn patron rescue and surveillance skills, land and water rescue skills, as well as first aid and CPR/AED.

In order to take the class you must be at least 15 years old and pass certain swimming requirements: 300-yd continuous swim using front crawl (freestyle) and breaststroke. 2 minute tread using only your legs. Timed event – swim and retrieve a 10-pound object from a depth of 7-10 feet. Retulifeguardrn to the surface with object and exit the pool without the use of ladder or stairs. Successful completion of the course includes a 2 year American Red Cross Lifeguard/CPR/AED & First Aid certificate.

For a list of our upcoming aquatic classes please visit us at or call us at  844-900-SAFE (7233).

Good Samaritans give CPR to cyclist

Posted on by SafetyPros in CPR, General, Rescue, Training Leave a comment

News, Weather and Sports for Lincoln, NE;

Great reporting by Jenn Schanz

“Bruce Benda and Buck Williams were looking forward to a day on the road with their motorcycles.

They had planned to ride to Branched Oak Lake, but took a detour in Pioneers Park on the way.

It was there, they saw a biker in desperate need of help.

“You could see there was no breathing, and there was really no distress, he was kind of just laying there curled up into a fetal position, and just…things weren’t right,” says Buck Williams, who performed CPR on the biker.

They thought the biker, a man they guessed was in his mid-fifties, may have had a heart attack.

While they waited for the ambulance to arrive, the two friends stayed by the mans side.

as Buck did CPR, Bruce comforted him.

“We made him as comfortable as we could, took his helmet off him. I put my sweatshirt underneath his head. Then we just proceeded to talk to him, tried to communicate with him. Let him know to hang on, that we were there,” says Bruce.

After minutes of compressions, Buck says the man had a pulse once the ambulance got there.

American Red Cross Training Specialist Sue Alby says it’s the first few minutes of a cardiac crisis that are key.

“For every minute a person goes without breathing, and essentially without a heartbeat, it can reduce their chance or survival by ten percent,” she says.

Buck and Bruce even made the trip to the hospital with the man, and visited him later that day.

Bruce says they don’t feel like heroes, they just did what anyone else would have done, looked out for one another.

The latest update on the biker is that he is critical, but stable condition. “

To get your American Red Cross CPR certification, call us at 916-538-6447 or click here to enroll in an upcoming CPR class.