Blog - Safety Training Pros

Training Lifeguards how to Prioritize Prevention within Surveillance

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This post was written by Pete DeQuincy Aquatics Manager, Fire Department/Lifeguard Services, East Bay Regional Park District and posted on

The crucial goal that aquatic agencies strive for within staff is attentiveness and vigilance coupled with critical thinking which is consistently applied to an ever-changing aquatic environment. Aquatic supervisors have long been concerned about what lifeguards think about while in the lifeguard stand or on patrol. To address this concern, the aquatic industry developed specific physical mannerisms, techniques and changes in body positions to help increase lifeguards’ attentiveness. These include among others: systematic movement of the head when scanning, timed changes in body position while in the lifeguard stand, proper holding of the rescue tube for rapid deployment, and multiple scanning patterns to get better visual coverage of their zone of responsibility. This resulted in lifeguards that looked professional, attentive, and displayed proper head movement and readiness in the lifeguard stand.

The next phase within the aquatic industry developed red ball/cap drills, shadow/manikin drops, live audits, secret shopper audits, and Vigilance Voice talkbacks with the belief that the combination of physical cues and spot checks would verify lifeguards were recognizing distressed and drowning victims. While we may not know what lifeguards are thinking we can at least test for our desired result. We train our staff to identify the distressed and drowning victim and to respond to aquatic emergencies; however, we struggle at training our staff to identify potential victims and prioritizing how to prevent aquatic emergencies from occurring. The key in training staff to recognize and take preventative measures on potential victims is developing critical thinking. Attentiveness without critical thinking provides false security. Training in vigilance is wasted effort unless it is combined with critical thinking because vigilance alone won’t help the lifeguard, the agency or the public we serve.

How does one train a lifeguard to think critically? Traditionally, new lifeguards were shadowed by veteran lifeguards who had four to five years of experience of busy days, slow days, hot days, cold days, minor and major rule enforcement issues, and minor and major aquatic incidents. The goal of the veteran lifeguard was to train and develop the new lifeguard in what they were seeing, how to differentiate the critical and non-critical situations, and how to see the potential victim in every patron. This type of training would take a new lifeguard one to two seasons to progress into a proficient lifeguard capable of handling almost any type of incident.

However, the aquatic industry continues to experience a veteran lifeguard shortage, where the average veteran lifeguard who previously stayed four or more seasons now only stay for two to four seasons. Limits on hours a seasonal employee can work, low wages, or the need for an internship prior to starting a full-time career are among some of the common reasons why veteran staff is leaving. This has resulted in a shrinking of veteran lifeguard ranks that provided this mentoring and guidance for the development of critical thinking skills in novice lifeguards. Below is a three-part methodology with supportive documents that provides a formalized process for lifeguard supervisors to guide the development of a lifeguard’s critical thinking which will result in more effective surveillance. The methodology is to be used in combination with the physical mannerisms, audits and spot checks discussed above. This Critical-Thinking Methodology includes:

The Critical Thinking Reel

A detailed system of how to incorporate preventive critical thinking while in the lifeguard stand or on patrol

The Progressive Intervention Decision Tree

A method for making preventive interventions with a clear decision path

The Critical Thinking during Surveillance Checklist

A checklist to assess lifeguard’s surveillance and a platform to develop their critical thinking skills

The Critical Thinking Reel

The Critical Thinking Reel was developed to move lifeguard’s surveillance from only searching for physical characteristics of distressed and drowning victims to also include assessing for potential victims. For the purpose of this methodology we are defining potential victims as patrons who are not currently compromising their personal safety or breaking any rules, however, if the situation or their behavior changes, they would compromise their personal safety. By expanding surveillance to include potential victims, lifeguards will be more successful at prevention. Rather than waiting for dangerous behavior and then responding to or rescuing a distressed or drowning victim within a limited amount of time, actions will be taken to prevent the emergency from occurring.
The Critical Thinking Reel consists of three questions that should be incorporated while the lifeguard is providing active surveillance. The questions are simple and allow flexibility for a changing environment. Here are the three Critical Thinking Reel questions:

  • Who – Who are the potential victims within the zone of responsibility? (From high risk to low risk)
  • Why – Why are they potential victims? (Lifeguards should analyze patrons’ physical characteristics, behavior, attire, mannerisms, activities, group dynamics, location within the zone of responsibility, and/or a combination.)
  • What – What intervention(s) would the lifeguard prescribe for each potential victim if they transitioned into a distress or drowning victim and what intervention would the lifeguard prescribe to keep them from becoming a distressed or drowning victim? Intervention could be a physical response, a rescue, or a one-on-one educational contact.

All three questions should be asked and answered within one visual scan of the zone; each visual scan should be completed within roughly 20 seconds and should be under the umbrella guideline: “If there is an immediate action needed within the zone, it should be immediately addressed.”

The Critical Thinking Reel diagram provides a visual reminder of the three questions in a simplified format along with how long the scan should take. It also provides a simplified version of the umbrella guideline (the ASSESS question) cueing the lifeguard to always ask if there is an immediate need for an intervention within the zone of responsibility.

If the answer to the ASSESS question is “No,” then the lifeguard should return to the Critical Thinking Reel and begin a new visual scan, asking the same three questions.

If the answer to the ASSESS question is “Yes,” proceed to the Progressive Intervention Decision Tree, described below.

The Progressive Intervention Decision Tree

The Progressive Intervention Decision Tree was developed to assist staff in providing clear progressive steps to rule enforcement to encourage a change in the patron’s behavior or activity. It covers three points: Ask, Tell, Make (based off of Dr. George Thompson’s, Verbal Judo. Here is the progression:

Ask: The “Ask” phase starts with the lifeguard getting the attention of the patron with an audible cue (voice or whistle), or a non-verbal cue (hand signals or eye contact), or by using a combination. Once the lifeguard has gotten the attention of the patron, the lifeguard will “ask” the patron to stop the behavior or activity. The lifeguard should be direct in the request, and it should be done quickly while in the lifeguard stand or on patrol.

It is easy for lifeguards to get caught in the “Ask” phase and continue to repeatedly make the same request of the patron. Without knowing it, the repeated ask of the patron becomes a distraction to the lifeguard’s surveillance duties, compromising the safety of all the patrons. This is why it is important to move into the “Tell” phase after utilizing the “Ask” only once.

Tell: The “Tell” phase deals with contacting the patron a second time and explaining why they need to stop the behavior or activity. This phase will be completed by having the initial lifeguard ask for a back-up lifeguard or aquatic supervisor to make the second contact. The lifeguard in the stand could make the contact however this would require them being relieved from the stand to do so, and adequate replacement coverage in place prior to leaving the stand and their zone of responsibility.

This contact is one-on-one with the patron and could take several minutes to complete. The lifeguard or aquatic supervisor meets with the patron, sets the groundwork and context of the contact by explaining why the lifeguard is contacting them, the rule that is being violated through the behavior or activity, and the need to stop the behavior or activity. If the patron resists complying, the lifeguard will list specific options to encourage a change in the patron’s behavior or activity.

If the patron continues to resist compliance, the lifeguard will confirm that the patron is going to be non-compliant by using the phrase, “Is there anything I can do Sir/Ma’am to get you to (a desired change behavior or activity)? I would like to think so.” When the lifeguard is at this point of the contact, additional staff is preparing to move into the “Make” phase.

Make: The “Make” phase is where aquatic staff mobilizes to get the patron to comply. This can be done by keeping the patron from doing the behavior (non-physical contact), activating additional resources to assist (aquatic management or public safety), or even closing the section where the patron is until compliance is met. IMPORTANT: Staff will stay with patron (or within a safe distance) until the behavior or activity is resolved.

The Progressive Intervention Decision Tree is a visual reference for all aquatic staff on how enforcement should progress and when a lifeguard should return to the Critical Think Reel. Remember, the objective of the lifeguard in the stand is to provide full active surveillance to their zone of responsibility.

The Progressive Interventions Table, a highly paired down version of the Progressive Intervention Decision Tree, was developed to provide a quick and simplified reference for staff on the progression for rule enforcement.

The Critical Thinking during Surveillance Checklist

Once lifeguards begin to use the Critical Thinking Reel and the Progressive Interventions Decision Tree, aquatic supervisors will still need to assess whether critical thinking is taking place in the lifeguard stand. The Critical Thinking during Surveillance Checklist was developed to provide lifeguard supervisors a systematic-standardized progression on how to assess and improve a lifeguards’ critical thinking.

The Checklist is set-up as a three-part walkthrough to guide aquatic supervisors in: assessing the lifeguard’s zone of responsibility prior to assessing the lifeguard, assessing the lifeguard during surveillance, and meeting with the lifeguard to compare who was identified as a potential victim and why.

Section 1: Evaluate Safe Swimming
In this section, the aquatic supervisor conducts a pre-check of the lifeguard’s zone of responsibility prior to doing an assessment of the lifeguard’s surveillance abilities. The aquatic supervisor will determine if the zone of responsibility is safe, and if not, the supervisor will take action to make the lifeguard’s zone of responsibility safe, a learning opportunity in itself. If the zone is deemed safe, the supervisor will determine the potential victims within the lifeguard’s zone of responsibility. The supervisor will note his/her list of potential victims to be used later in Section 3: Compare Potential Victims.

Section 2: Evaluate Lifeguard’s Surveillance
In this section, the aquatic supervisor observes the lifeguard, and then answers several questions:

  • Is the lifeguard in position in the stand that is conducive to surveillance?
  • Is there a distinguishable scanning pattern that can be observed?
  • Does the lifeguard pause to focus in on individual patrons or groups?
  • Does the lifeguard “look into” the water (only for clear water facilities)?
  • Are the visual scans of the zone about 20 seconds?
  • Does the lifeguard look ready to implement an intervention or rescue?
  • Is the equipment ready to use?
  • The supervisor will document their answers and add additional notes if necessary.

Section 3: Compare Potential Victims

In this section, the aquatic supervisor will meet with the lifeguard to compare potential victims within the zone of responsibility. The supervisor will have an additional lifeguard step in to provide zone coverage while the lifeguard in the stand steps down to meet with the supervisor. The supervisor will ask a series of “Ask the Lifeguard” questions that explains why patrons were determined to be “potential victims”, the type of intervention needed for each potential victim, any alternate intervention solutions, and the outcome the lifeguard would be hoping for from each intervention.

Once the lifeguard has responded, the aquatic supervisor would explain their list of potential victims, why they were the potential victims, the necessary and alternate interventions, and the expected outcomes. The supervisor and lifeguard will compare their lists and note any differences.

This section of the checklist provides the experienced aquatic supervisor the opportunity to impart their experiential knowledge of the facility, the clientele, aquatic bottom contours or features that would help or hinder the lifeguard, weather conditions and time of day that would affect the zone, and how crowd sizes affect the zone. This comparing and sharing of knowledge builds the lifeguard’s knowledge base to make them more effective and engaged during surveillance, and provides the supervisor a way of measuring the lifeguard’s critical thinking progress. There is also a double benefit that comes from the mutual sharing between the lifeguard and the supervisor, as supervisors get the opportunity to collaborate and strengthen their own critical thinking skills; the idea that two heads are better than one.

By applying the Critical Thinking Reel to how lifeguards should critically think while in the lifeguard stand and utilizing “Ask, Tell, Make” as a standardized methodology of enforcement, lifeguards will become successful at connecting what they see and how to respond to what they see in a quick, appropriate and professional manner. They will find that their newly acquired skills will allow them to be proficient and capable of lifeguarding any type of shift (recreational swim, swim lessons, lap swim, etc.) Lastly, by coupling this methodology with the use of physical mannerisms, techniques, body posture and supervisory spot checks, the aquatics industry will create a more effective lifeguard and a stronger surveillance system at preventing drownings and saving lives.

Safety Training Pros acquires Foster Calm Wilderness Training

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For immediate release –

Safety Training Pros Inc. today announced it has acquired Foster Calm Wilderness & Leadership Training. Foster Calm will continue to provide world-class wilderness training as a division of Safety Training Pros.

This acquisition expands Safety Training Pros current product offerings for Wilderness First Aid and Wilderness First Responder. Foster Calm has been a leader of wilderness & leadership programs since 2001, when founder Bobbie Foster began training wilderness first aid in the northern California area. Today, the Foster Calm brand is recognized as a leader in the field of wilderness safety.

“Safety Training Pros and Foster Calm Wilderness Training look forward to serving you and your organization with an expanded portfolio of emergency training, superb first aid supplies, and AED Sales & Service” said the company founder Katryna Anderson.

In addition to the Foster Calm Brand, we also a licensed training partner of the American Red Cross (ARC), Health & Safety Institute (HSI) and National Association Search & Rescue (NASAR).

Safety Training Pros and Foster Calm are now both headquartered in Sacramento, CA.

More information about the training classes it offers can be found at the company website:

Shallow Water Blackout

Posted on by Trainer in Aquatics, Articles, Lifeguard, Rescue, Training Leave a comment

Shallow Water Blackout (SWB) is the silent killer. Shallow Water Blackout occurs when a swimmer holds their breath while underwater. Swimmers are at risk of passing out due to a lack of oxygen. Since there is no struggle or signs someone is in danger, it can quickly result in death. Unfortunately, the number of deaths attributed to SWB is not fully known, because they are often labeled as a traditional drowning. So, what exactly is shallow water blackout? Why does SWB continue to occur and how can we, as Lifeguards and Aquatic professionals, make the public more aware of this issue.

What is Shallow Water Blackout?
According to, Shallow Water Blackout results from hypoxia (low oxygen) to the brain. What triggers one to breathe is the elevation of carbon dioxide (CO2), not low oxygen (O2). The danger is exacerbated with hyper-ventilation prior to breath-holding. One basically “blacks out” or faints in the water. For some, their lungs will take on water leading to drowning while others simply suffocate or die of other causes brought on by the breath-holding.

SWB can happen in as little as three feet of water. It can happen so fast that even the most experienced lifeguard could miss it.

Swimming World magazine stated some are caused by kids who dare their friends to a breath-holding contest. Not wanting to lose, one of them will push their bodies past the limit, when their brain shuts down before it tells the body to go to the surface.

Why does it continue to happen?
There is a lack of education and awareness on the dangers of breath-holding. When you go to a pool you almost always see a “No Running” or a “No Diving” sign posted but “No Breath-Holding” signs have yet to become the norm.

Another issue is that underwater breath-holding and underwater swimming has been practiced for decades. Breath-holders, whether it be a competitive swimmer, a child, freediver, etc., do not understand how to prevent SWB.

The CDC warns that “dangerous underwater breath-holding behaviors” can lead to otherwise strong, healthy swimmers losing consciousness underwater and drowning.

What can we do to make those who visit our facilities more aware of SWB?
As an Aquatic Professional, I think that taking the time to educate the public, as well as the lifeguards who serve those that use your facility, is key in helping to raise awareness. Pool signage and a small handout with information and tips on preventing Shallow Water Blackout (see tips below) for the bathers could go a long way.

Tips to Prevent SWB:
• Don’t Play Breath-holding games      
• Don’t Hyperventilate
• Don’t Swim Alone
• Don’t Ignore the Urge to Breathe

Holding an in-service training for your lifeguards on the importance of monitoring breath holding could help them identify risky behaviors. Make sure that they always scan the bottom of the pool. Remind them that even when its swim team practice, they should stay vigilant (remember: they have lifeguards at the Olympics too). Creating a conversation among the staff about staying safe is always a good thing!

At Safety Training Pros we proudly serve the Northern California & Northern Nevada for all your aquatic training needs. We offer Waterfront Lifeguard, Lifeguard, Shallow Water Lifeguard, Basic Water Rescue, Safety Training for Swim Coaches, Lifeguard Instructor, and Pool In-Service Training.

If you or your facility need training, please contact us at or 1-844-900-SAFE.

Planning for Emergencies in the Workplace

Posted on by Trainer in AED, CPR, CPR for Business, General, Rescue, Training Leave a comment

Emergencies happen when you least expect it, however the more prepared you and your facility are to deal with these types of incidents and accidents the safer everyone will be. Various documents have been produced by OSHA, FEMA, and other government agencies to help businesses prepare for emergencies. Does your company have an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) for a Fire, Medical Emergency, Bomb Threat, Chemical Spill, or a Shooter on Site? Would you or your co-workers know what to do?

The purpose of an EAP is to facilitate and organize employer and employee actions during workplace emergencies. At Safety Training Pros we are committed to making sure businesses are more effective when it comes to Emergency Planning, In-Service Training, and much more. We want to make sure that your staff is safe in case of an emergency.

FEMA has established the Ready Program that includes five steps to prepare workers for emergencies of all types. Well-developed EAP’s give employees the understanding of how to respond in a variety of emergency situations, they know where to go, how to keep safe, and what equipment to take and/or use. With proper training this means that they are able to respond quicker and safer thus reducing injuries and fatalities. Below are the five steps of the Ready Program from

1. Program Management
• Know the regulations that govern your business emergency action plan
• Organize an Emergency Action Team to implement the development and administration of your emergency program

2. Planning – The Practical Considerations of Developing an Emergency Plan – Planning must include:
• What to do in the event of an emergency
• Steps to take to prevent emergencies
• Ways to limit the business impact of emergencies

3. Implementation – What the Emergency Action Plan Must Include
• Resource Management
• Emergency Response
• Crisis communications
• Business continuity
• Information technology
• Employee assistance
• Incident management
• Employee Training

4. Testing and Exercises
• Testing and evaluating the emergency plan
• Differentiating between different types of exercises
• How to conduct exercises
• Evaluating the exercise results to know effectiveness of the emergency plan

5. Program Improvement
• Determine when the emergency plan needs to be reviewed
• Evaluate the emergency plan
• Make changes and improvements to the plan

It is important to remember to include both management and employees in creating an emergency action plan. Create a Safety Team that meets on a regular basis. Make sure to review the plan and assess it so that necessary developments and changes can be made. It’s also important, of course, that you write up this plan and provide copies to every employee in your workplace.

Remember, you don’t come to work expecting an incident or accident to occur, but the more prepared you are the safer everyone around you will be. For more information on safety training such CPR, First Aid and AED please contact Safety Training Pros at 844-900-SAFE (7233).

How to write a patient care report

Posted on by SafetyPros in In-Service, Lifeguard, Professional Rescuers, Rescue, Title 22 Leave a comment

Many emergency responders including Lifeguards, complete a patient care report on the incidents they respond to. Responders involved in the incident need to complete the appropriate report form as quickly as possible after providing care. Record only factual information of what was heard and seen and any action taken. Do not give personal opinions.

Documentation is important for legal reasons as well as for tracking when, where and how often incidents occur. Reports provide valuable information for facilities to use when they assess safety protocols, such as staffing levels or placement of lifeguard stations.

Here is a checklist of questions providers should answer before submitting a report:

  • Are your descriptions detailed enough?
  • Are the abbreviations you used appropriate and professional?
  • Is your report free of grammar and spelling errors?
  • Is it legible?
  • Is the chief complaint correct?
  • Is your impression specific enough?
  • Are all other details in order?


1. Check descriptions
Upon the completion of every incident, your report documents all events that occurred. This includes a detailed assessment of the situation and a full recounting of the treatment administered to the patient. It is specific, informative, free of ambiguity and negligence.

  • Which arm is the patient having pain?
  • Is it the upper or lower part of the arm?
  • What was the timeline of the incident?


2. Check (and recheck) spelling and grammar

Your report should paint a picture, but this is impossible to do without proper English. Besides not being accurate or professional, incorrect English may very well lead a reader to believe something false. For example, there may be confusion (and laughter) if a report says “patient fainted and her eyes rolled around the room.” Though this is a humorous example, dire consequence can follow confusing reporting.

Reporting should be free of misspellings and the understanding of what you are trying to say should be clear. For example, the trauma surgeon should have a good understanding of the mechanism of injury that brought the patient to the hospital from reading your report.

3. Assess your chief complaint description
An area of the report that is frequently misused is the chief complaint which should explain why you were needed or why the patient is being treated. Chief complaint is not the cause of the injury. For example, a chief complaint is pain to the right lower arm, not the fact that the patient has fallen off a ladder. Using the patient’s own words is an appropriate practice if they describe symptoms of their chief complaint.

4. Review your impressions
An impression encompasses the reasons for patient treatment. Trauma and fall are too vague to be used as impressions. Include the body areas or symptoms that are being treated. In other words, what treatment protocol is being followed?

If you are following a stroke protocol, and your assessment indicates a possible stroke, this should be included in your impression. Multi-systems trauma injuries bring additional challenges, but if multi-body systems are involved, they all should be included in your impression of the patient.

5. Check the final details
The patient’s SAMPLE including past medical history and medications are important to note. Document the patient’s history completely. Remember bystanders or those close to the patient can often provide valuable information about the patient.

Another important aspect to clearly document is the outcome of your treatments. Some reports have a standard text box that indicates improved, but in your narrative you should clearly document how the treatment improved the patient’s condition.

After the incident and upon completion of the report writing, you may be asked to attend an operational debriefing. The goals of the debriefing are to examine what happened, assess the effectiveness of the EAP, condier new ways to prevent similiar incidents and to be alert for stress reactions after a critical incident. Be sure to avaoid assigning blame or criticizing anyone’s actions or reactions.

For additional in-service training at your facility, contact the rescue professionals at Safety Training Pros 844-900-SAFE (7233).

National Lifeguard Shortage

Posted on by Trainer in Aquatics, General Leave a comment

Over the past several summers swimming pools, rivers, lakes and beaches have been affected by an increasing shortage of lifeguards. Many news articles and press releases have brought attention to this problem but agencies continue to struggle season after season. City recreation departments and private health clubs spread the word about employment opportunities, but applications slowly trickle in. Pool managers with staffing struggles delay their openings and in some cases close pools entirely. So what has happened to the appeal of being a lifeguard? It’s a great learning tool and stepping stone for those entering health care or public safety fields. For many teens and college students it can be a great summer job.

A 2014 American Red Cross survey found 10 Americans die every day from unintentional drowning — two of them are children younger than 14. As a certified Lifeguard you can help to prevent these types of incidents and accidents from occurring. Safety Training Pros provides Lifeguard classes, beginning in March, throughout Northern California. Our classes are Fun, Fast and Easy! We prepare each student for real life situations. Students learn the knowledge and skills needed to help prevent and respond to aquatic emergencies. Through videos, group discussion and hands-on practice, students learn patron rescue and surveillance skills, land and water rescue skills, as well as first aid and CPR/AED.

In order to take the class you must be at least 15 years old and pass certain swimming requirements: 300-yd continuous swim using front crawl (freestyle) and breaststroke. 2 minute tread using only your legs. Timed event – swim and retrieve a 10-pound object from a depth of 7-10 feet. Retulifeguardrn to the surface with object and exit the pool without the use of ladder or stairs. Successful completion of the course includes a 2 year American Red Cross Lifeguard/CPR/AED & First Aid certificate.

For a list of our upcoming aquatic classes please visit us at or call us at  844-900-SAFE (7233).

10 Ways to Make Your Workplace Healthier

Posted on by Trainer in Articles, CPR, CPR for Business, General, Training Leave a comment

Having a happy and healthy workplace can increase productivity and moral. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ American Time Use Survey, people spend nearly nine hours on work-related activities during their day. With so much time spent at work, it goes without saying that a positive work environment is vital to your wellbeing. Below are 10 tips on how to make your workplace more positive.

  1. A happy employee is a productive employee. People who enjoy their jobs are likely to engage more thoroughly with their work.
  2. Keep the Office Clean and Organized. Adding plants can help create a pleasant environment as they’re both visually appealing and help clean the air.
  3. Get healthy. Encourage yourself to get healthy. Join a gym or take a walk during lunch. Reduce the amount of unhealthy foods and snacks you eat throughout the day.
  4. Stay home when sick. Enough said.
  5. Team building. Keep relationships within the office healthy by scheduling teambuilding activities.
  6. Be positive. Present an attitude of positivity and approachability.
  7. Have a good work and life balance. Don’t let work be your number one priority.
  8. Bring your pet to work. A growing body of evidence suggests that pets in the office can have positive health benefits.
  9. Lighting. Proper lighting is essential for a healthy work environment. Natural light is best.
  10. Relax. Take a deep breath.

Here at Safety Training Pros we know the importance of creating a safe and happy workplace. We strive to make sure that all of our clients maintain an environment that is healthy in a variety of ways. Understanding how to protect yourself and others from diseases, knowing how to assist in an emergency and taking CPR and First Aid classes, are just a few of the ways we try to help. For more information on classes that we provide please contact us at 844-900-SAFE (7233) or visit our website.

Cruise Lines and Lifeguards

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In 2013, six months after a four year old boy nearly drown on one of its ships, Disney Cruise Line quietly became the first and only major cruise line to have lifeguards. That is up until now. Royal Caribbean International has put a help-wanted ad out for lifeguards. This is GREAT! Major kudos to Royal Caribbean in seeing the value and necessity of having trained lifeguards stationed at aquatic areas located aboard the ship.

According to Cruise Lines International Association, more than 1.5 million children are aboard cruises every year. While some cruise ships have over 1,000 employees aboard, there are no lifeguards aboard three of the biggest cruise lines — Royal Caribbean International, Norwegian Cruise Line and Carnival Cruise Lines.

thSeveral children have drowned or nearly drowned in pools on cruise ships in recent years, leading critics to question the industry’s pool safety practices. Having a “no lifeguard” sign isn’t enough. It doesn’t keep people safe. Kids don’t read signs and some children can’t even read what the sign says.  In June, an 8-year-old boy was pulled from the pool on Anthem of the Seas after being submerged for eight to 10 minutes, according to the U.S. Coast Guard. He died two days later. This is only one example of several accidents that have happened at sea while families have been on vacation.

Its always important to remember that Lifeguards are there for emergencies but nothing should take the place of a parent/guardians watchful eye and close presence on weak and non-swimmers. More cruise lines, like Disney and Royal Caribbean, should take the initiative to prevent accidents before they happen.

If you are interested in becoming a certified Lifeguard please visit our website or call us at 844-900-SAFE (7233). We continually add classes for the 2017 aquatic season including Lifeguard, Waterfront Training, Safety Training for Swim Coaches, and Title 22.

Holiday Season Drunk Driving Awareness

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According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving, the time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s is the deadliest for drunk driving accidents. 973 people were killed in drunk driving crashes between Thanksgiving and New Year’s in 2015.

Sacramento County DUI Coalition reminds everyone to follow these simple tips to stay safe:

  • Plan a safe way to get home before you attend the party. Alcohol impairs judgment, as well as reaction time. If you’re impaired you’re more likely to choose to drive drunk.
  • Designate a sober driver; take public transportation, a car service, or a call a sober friend or family member to get home.
  • Walking while impaired can be just as dangerous as drunk driving. Designate a sober friend to walk you home.
  • If you see someone you think is about to drive while impaired, take their keys and help them get home safely.


Always remember to Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over!

On New Years, Berg Injury Lawyers offer free cab rides home. In Sacramento, between 10pm on December 31st and 4am on January 1st, Call Yellow Cab Company of Sacramento at (916) 444-2222. Tell them “Berg Injury Lawyers is picking up the tab” ($35 Limit)

The safety experts at Safety Training Pros would like to Wish you a Safe and Joyous Holiday Season!




Workplace CPR, AED & First Aid Training

Posted on by Trainer in AED, CPR, CPR for Business, General, Training Leave a comment

save-livesIs your workplace prepared for an emergency? Emergencies can happen anytime and anywhere. Workplace injuries and illnesses cost our economy 198 billion dollars a year. Many businesses are required to train their staff in workplace safety using Injury and Illness Prevention Programs. Others see the value in training their employees because they know that training could have a huge affect on reducing the number and severity of workplace injuries. Getting trained is easy and our professional instructors will ensure your employees have the knowledge and skills to respond to real-life situations.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), approximates that 10,000 cardiac arrests occur while victims are at work, and when CPR and First Aid care is provided within the first five to seven minutes of an incident, a victim’s chances of survival can increase by 60 percent. CPR and AED training is a hands on course that teaches students how to provide care for victims of sudden cardiac arrest along with the safe use of an automated external defibrillator.

Additionally, First Aid training provides information about how to assess and respond to medical and trauma situations includes bleeding, shock, head and spinal injuries, stroke, anaphylaxis, and much, much more.

Employees in any occupation can benefit from being prepared to respond to an emergency in the workplace. Safety Training Pros can help ensure that your company is up to date with safety regulations and best practices. We offer an assortment of convenient, competitively priced training options. For on-site training information request a quote, contact us at, or 844-900-SAFE.