AED - Safety Training Pros

October is Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Month!

Posted on by Trainer in AED, CPR, General, Rescue, Training Leave a comment

Did you know that sudden cardiac arrest takes the lives of over 300,000 Americans each year? According to Mary Newman, SCA Foundation president, “About 500 Americans suffer sudden cardiac arrest every day and only 30 survive.”

What is Sudden Cardiac Arrest?

According to, Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is a malfunction of the heart’s electrical system, which causes it suddenly and unexpectedly to begin to beat rapidly, then erratically, and finally to stop altogether. When this happens, the heart cannot pump blood effectively. As such, blood flow to the brain is compromised and the victim quickly loses consciousness.

What can we do to increase the survival rate?

  1. Get CPR/AED Certified
  2. Have better access to AED’s

Where can I get this type of Training?

Safety Training Pros is the premier safety training experts for individuals, groups, businesses, and government agencies.We provide professional training with high quality safety training materials in an engaging atmosphere so our clients have the life saving skills and knowledge that they need in an emergency. As a Licensed Training Partner of the American Red Cross, ASHI, and Medic First Aid, the leading providers of health and safety training, we can easily and efficiently provide the quality professional training required by all our customers. This includes, but is not limited to, CPR and AED training. Please call us for more information at 844-900-SAFE or visit us at




California New AED Laws Senate Bills 658 and 287

Posted on by SafetyPros in AED, CPR, CPR for Business, Rescue Leave a comment

An automated external defibrillator (AED) is a lightweight, portable device that delivers an electric shock through the chest to the heart. The shock can stop an irregular rhythm and allow a normal rhythm to resume in a heart in sudden cardiac arrest. Sudden cardiac arrest is an abrupt loss of heart function. If it’s not treated within minutes, it quickly leads to death. AED’s make it possible for more people to respond to medical emergencies where defibrillation is required. Because they are portable and easy to use, they can be used by nonmedical people. They should be a part of your emergency response plan that also includes the use of 9-1-1 and prompt delivery of cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

There are a variety of law regarding AEDs. Recently, California has enacted two, new AED laws (Senate Bills 658 and 287), the second of which was just chaptered into California law October 2, 1015.

S.B. 658 amends section 1714.21 of the CA Civil Code and section 1797.196 of the CA Health and Safety Code to substantially reduce the requirements placed upon AED owners to qualify for Good Samaritan protection in the state.  Most notably, the new law eliminates the need for a physician to oversee a company’s AED program. This will significantly drop cost of ownership as well as reduce the inconvenience factor of owning an AED. In addition, the new law reduces the frequency with which AED owners need to check their devices and pares back documentation rules.

S.B. 287 installs mandates across a sweeping array of building types (assembly, business, educational, factory, institutional, mercantile, and residential) that, effective 1/1/17, will require AEDs in all new construction, generally subject to an occupancy threshold of 200 people.

For more information about purchasing an AED for your workplace, or to arrange training for your staff, call 844-900-SAFE.

How to Meet Current OSHA CPR & First Aid Training Requirements

Posted on by SafetyPros in CPR, CPR for Business, General, Training Leave a comment

Have you been meeting your OSHA mandated CPR and First Aid training requirements for your employees online? Online training alone does not provide the hands on CPR, First Aid practice required by current OSHA standards.

As OSHA states on its website, “the word ‘train’ is defined as “[t]o make proficient with special instruction and practice,” Webster’s II New Collegiate Dictionary, 1995, p. 1,169. These standards require training in physical skills, such as bandaging and CPR. The only way these physical skills can be learned is by actually practicing them. OSHA’s Best Practices Guide: Fundamentals of a Workplace First-Aid Program, 2006, p. 11, states that a first-aid training program should have trainees develop hands-on skills through the use of mannequins and partner practice”.

When every second counts, your training matters! Train your employees right the first time with fun, fast, effective and affordable CPR and First Aid training from Safety Training Pros. Call us today to schedule your training at 916-538-6447 or visit us at

CPR certification, first aid training, OSHA training

The Importance of a CPR, First Aid Program

Posted on by SafetyPros in CPR, CPR for Business, Training Leave a comment

If an accident were to occur today in your workplace, would you know what to do? Would the employees injured be given the best possible care?

Creating a CPR and First Aid Program that meets the requirements of the law and is customized to the type and size of the workplace can make the difference between life and death or between recovery and permanent disability when an accident occurs.

Employers should make sure that all employees are familiar with the locations of their worksite emergency information and where it is posted. The notice should display the phone numbers of the closest ambulance service, fire and rescue unit, police station, and hospitals.  The amount of time it can take to look up this information can make a big difference to a seriously injured person.  The location of first aid equipment, the Automated External Defibrillator (AED), and rescue equipment should also be posted prominently.

Every work site should have a person with CPR & First Aid certification readily available in case of an emergency. First aid equipment and supplies, including a variety of dressings and instruments, as well as an up-to-date first aid manual, should be stored where they can be accessed quickly and easily in the event of an accident.  Supplies should be inspected regularly, making sure they are kept in sanitary and usable condition, and re-stocked after use.  Based on the size of the workplace, more than one fully equipped first aid kit may be required.

At remote work sites, emergency supplies and an action plan are particularly important. At least one person trained in emergency first aid should always be on-site.  First aid must be given correctly otherwise it can cause harm instead of helping an injured person. All workers should be familiar with who on-site is trained to give first aid, where the emergency first aid equipment is located, and what medical professional or medical facility should be contacted should a medical emergency occur.

Periodically review your company policy on first aid response with your workers so that all will understand and respond appropriately to injuries or illnesses that may occur on the jobsite. Consult with the professionals at Safety Training Pros for the best training for your situation.