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Cruise Lines and Lifeguards

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In 2013, six months after a four year old boy nearly drown on one of its ships, Disney Cruise Line quietly became the first and only major cruise line to have lifeguards. That is up until now. Royal Caribbean International has put a help-wanted ad out for lifeguards. This is GREAT! Major kudos to Royal Caribbean in seeing the value and necessity of having trained lifeguards stationed at aquatic areas located aboard the ship.

According to Cruise Lines International Association, more than 1.5 million children are aboard cruises every year. While some cruise ships have over 1,000 employees aboard, there are no lifeguards aboard three of the biggest cruise lines — Royal Caribbean International, Norwegian Cruise Line and Carnival Cruise Lines.

thSeveral children have drowned or nearly drowned in pools on cruise ships in recent years, leading critics to question the industry’s pool safety practices. Having a “no lifeguard” sign isn’t enough. It doesn’t keep people safe. Kids don’t read signs and some children can’t even read what the sign says.  In June, an 8-year-old boy was pulled from the pool on Anthem of the Seas after being submerged for eight to 10 minutes, according to the U.S. Coast Guard. He died two days later. This is only one example of several accidents that have happened at sea while families have been on vacation.

Its always important to remember that Lifeguards are there for emergencies but nothing should take the place of a parent/guardians watchful eye and close presence on weak and non-swimmers. More cruise lines, like Disney and Royal Caribbean, should take the initiative to prevent accidents before they happen.

If you are interested in becoming a certified Lifeguard please visit our website or call us at 844-900-SAFE (7233). We continually add classes for the 2017 aquatic season including Lifeguard, Waterfront Training, Safety Training for Swim Coaches, and Title 22.

Holiday Season Drunk Driving Awareness

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According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving, the time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s is the deadliest for drunk driving accidents. 973 people were killed in drunk driving crashes between Thanksgiving and New Year’s in 2015.

Sacramento County DUI Coalition reminds everyone to follow these simple tips to stay safe:

  • Plan a safe way to get home before you attend the party. Alcohol impairs judgment, as well as reaction time. If you’re impaired you’re more likely to choose to drive drunk.
  • Designate a sober driver; take public transportation, a car service, or a call a sober friend or family member to get home.
  • Walking while impaired can be just as dangerous as drunk driving. Designate a sober friend to walk you home.
  • If you see someone you think is about to drive while impaired, take their keys and help them get home safely.


Always remember to Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over!

On New Years, Berg Injury Lawyers offer free cab rides home. In Sacramento, between 10pm on December 31st and 4am on January 1st, Call Yellow Cab Company of Sacramento at (916) 444-2222. Tell them “Berg Injury Lawyers is picking up the tab” ($35 Limit)

The safety experts at Safety Training Pros would like to Wish you a Safe and Joyous Holiday Season!




Workplace CPR, AED & First Aid Training

Posted on by Trainer in AED, CPR, CPR for Business, General, Training Leave a comment

save-livesIs your workplace prepared for an emergency? Emergencies can happen anytime and anywhere. Workplace injuries and illnesses cost our economy 198 billion dollars a year. Many businesses are required to train their staff in workplace safety using Injury and Illness Prevention Programs. Others see the value in training their employees because they know that training could have a huge affect on reducing the number and severity of workplace injuries. Getting trained is easy and our professional instructors will ensure your employees have the knowledge and skills to respond to real-life situations.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), approximates that 10,000 cardiac arrests occur while victims are at work, and when CPR and First Aid care is provided within the first five to seven minutes of an incident, a victim’s chances of survival can increase by 60 percent. CPR and AED training is a hands on course that teaches students how to provide care for victims of sudden cardiac arrest along with the safe use of an automated external defibrillator.

Additionally, First Aid training provides information about how to assess and respond to medical and trauma situations includes bleeding, shock, head and spinal injuries, stroke, anaphylaxis, and much, much more.

Employees in any occupation can benefit from being prepared to respond to an emergency in the workplace. Safety Training Pros can help ensure that your company is up to date with safety regulations and best practices. We offer an assortment of convenient, competitively priced training options. For on-site training information request a quote, contact us at, or 844-900-SAFE.

Creating a First Aid Kit for Your Home

Posted on by Trainer in Articles, Rescue, Training Leave a comment

Having a great First Aid kit at home is easy to do. Below is an article, by Tracey Neithercott, that outlines the supplies you need for both major and minor emergencies. It also has a section for Diabetes and Medications. Get trained and know what to do in an emergency. If it is time for you to get certified, join our open enrollment class on December 14th. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact the experts at Safety Training Pros 916-538-6447 or

When it comes to your health, preparing for the worst isn’t pessimistic. It’s smart. That’s why experts advise everyone to stash medical supplies for a rainy day. Or, you know, a day when you’ve just sliced your finger, sprained your ankle, or broken out in hives.

A well-stocked first-aid kit is easy to prepare and useful in both minor and more serious emergencies. The bathroom may seem like the ideal spot to stash the essentials, but because of heat and humidity, it’s not the best place to keep medicine or many diabetes supplies. Instead, store your first-aid kit in a room where you spend a lot of time or in an easy-to-reach area of a closet.

Creating your own kit is easy. Start with a waterproof container, then add the supplies listed (“In the Kit,” below). As far as medications go, experts recommend adding baby aspirin to the mix, which can help during a heart attack. (After calling 911, chew two baby aspirin or one non-coated adult aspirin. Chewed aspirin works faster than swallowed pills.) There’s less of a consensus about other medications. Those that must be kept cold, such as insulin, don’t need to be included. Others, such as cough syrup, ibuprofen, and antidiarrheal drugs, can be added to the mix.

The tricky part is keeping items current. “If you’re going to put medications in there, anything that can potentially expire, you want to check that often,” says David Berry, PhD, ATC, an athletic trainer, professor at Weber State University, and member of the American Red Cross Scientific Advisory Council. He recommends reviewing the items in your first-aid kit at least twice a year and replacing anything that is expired.

Also remember to refill the kit as you use items in it. “The problem is, people take things out, they use them, and they don’t replace them,” Berry says. “[You] need to replace those items so in case an event transpires, [you] have the equipment readily available again.”

Wound-care products are some of the most important items in your kit. Irrigation solution, for instance, is helpful for cleaning wounds of dirt, debris, and bacteria. That’s a particularly important step for people with diabetes, who are more susceptible to infection.

Berry says plain soap and water will do the trick, but it’s smart to store saline solution in your kit, which comes in handy when you can’t make it to the sink. Noticeably absent: hydrogen peroxide. Neither that nor alcohol is useful for cleaning wounds. “If you look at the research, they actually destroy some of the healthy cells,” he says. “You don’t want to destroy the healthy tissue.”

Another aspect of building a first-aid kit you’ll want to pay attention to: your family’s allergies. Is someone allergic to latex? Stock non-latex gloves and bandages. Do you have an allergy to certain antibiotic ointments? Be careful to stash the right type in your kit.

For diabetes, take extra precautions. You can’t store insulin in a first-aid kit because it needs to be refrigerated before opening. But you can stock other supplies, such as a backup meter, extra insulin pump infusion sets, batteries for any devices you use, fast-acting glucose and glucagon for lows, syringes and pen needles, lancets, and a backup container of test strips (just be sure to use them before they expire!).

Finally, keep a list of emergency phone numbers in your kit, such as the poison control center 800-222-1222 and your doctors’ office.

If you’ve injured yourself, make a follow-up appointment with your health care provider. First aid is essential, but it’s only the first step in the process. Continued care can ensure you stay safe in the long run.

In the Kit

The following supplies make for a comprehensive first-aid kit.

Adhesive cloth tape
Alcohol-based hand sanitizer
Aloe vera gel for burns (first degree only)first-aid-kit
Antibiotic ointment
Antiseptic wipes
Bandage roll (such as an Ace bandage)
Bandages in assorted sizes (such as Band-Aids)
Calamine lotion
Compact mobile splint (Sam Splint)
First-aid guidebook (such as American Red Cross Pocket First Aid)
Gauze pads
Hydrocortisone ointment
Instant cold packs or plastic bags for ice (1 quart or 1 gallon)
Latex-free face shield
Latex-free gloves
Low-dose aspirin (such as baby aspirin)
Triangular bandages (for slings)
Wound wash (such as saline solution)


  • Batteries (for meters, pumps, and continuous glucose monitors)
  • Blood glucose meter
  • Fast-acting glucose (such as tablets or gels)
  • Glucagon kit
  • Infusion sets for pumps
  • Injection pen needles
  • Insulin syringes
  • Lancets
  • Skin prep wipes
  • Test strips (for blood glucose and ketones)

4 C’s of Wound Care

  1. Clean the wound with soap and water or using a wound wash, such as saline solution.
  2. Coat with antibacterial ointment, such as Neosporin. Use sparingly.
  3. Cover with a bandage.
  4. Call for a doctor’s appointment to follow up if needed (if you need stitches, for example, or the wound shows signs of infection, such as redness and pus).

Medications (Optional)

While it’s not entirely necessary to store medications in a first-aid kit (aside from aspirin, which is crucial during a heart attack), it may be a good idea to include the following. When you hit the road, grab your kit. That way, if you’re ill but can’t find a pharmacy, you’ll have the basics on hand.

  • Antacid
  • Antidiarrheal (such as Pepto-Bismol*)
  • Antihistamine (such as Benadryl)
  • Cough syrup
  • Decongestant
  • Ibuprofen

*Or your doctor may prescribe a just-if-needed antimicrobial medication, such as tetracycline.

Care and prevention of Diabetes

Posted on by Trainer in General, Professional Rescuers, Training Leave a comment

November is American Diabetes Month. If you have diabetes, no matter what type, it means you have too much glucose in your blood, although the causes may differ. Too much glucose can lead to serious health problems. Here are 10 prevention tips, followed by current American Red Cross first aid protocol for treatment of diabetic emergencies, to help you stay on track!

1. Reduce Stress – Learn to meditate to improve your blood sugar levels.
2. Step Out – Exercise helps keep your weight and blood sugar under control, and just about everyone can do a brisk daily walk.
3. Eat Right – Follow your food plan. If you don’t have one, ask your doctor about seeing a dietitian who specializes in diabetes.
4. Jet Set – Before you hit the road, get a checkup, pack extra medication in your carry on, and plan your doses around time zone changes.
5. Hang 10 – Drop 10% of your body weight through diet and exercise.

6. Healthy Choices – Swap saturated fats and refined sugar for healthy fats in nuts and sweet whole fruit.

7. See Clearly – Diabetes complications can cause vision loss or blindness. Schedule a full eye exam at least once a year.
8. Take Care of Your Feet – You may not feel foot injuries, so check both feet daily for blisters, cuts, or sores.
9. Show Color – Pack your plate with a palette of greens, yellows, and reds — like spinach, squash, and tomatoes.

10. Learn More – Visit WebMD’s Diabetes Center for news, tips, a blood sugar tracker, and more.

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a chronic condition characterized by the body’s inability to process glucose (sugar) in the bloodstream. An organ called the pancreas secretes insulin, a hormone that causes glucose to be moved from the bloodstream into the cells, where it is used for energy. In a person with diabetes, either the pancreas fails to make enough insulin or the body’s cells are unable to respond to insulin. Either situation causes glucose levels in the bloodstream to increase.

A person with diabetes may manage the condition with insulin injections or oral medications. Diet and exercise also play an important role. To keep blood glucose levels within an acceptable range, food intake, exercise and medication must be balanced. A person with diabetes must follow a well-balanced diet, with limited sweets and fats. The timing of meals and snacks relative to exercise and medication is important as well.

If food intake, exercise and medication are not in balance, the person may experience a diabetic emergency.


■ Hypoglycemia (excessively low blood glucose levels) can result if a person misses a meal or snack, eats too little food, exercises more than usual, vomits or takes too much medication.
■ Hyperglycemia (excessively high blood glucose levels) can result if a person eats too much food, takes too little medication, exercises less than usual or experiences physical or emotional stress.

Signs and Symptoms of Diabetic Emergencies –

A person who is having a diabetic emergency will seem generally ill. He or she may feel dizzy or shake, have a headache, or have cool, clammy skin. The person’s behavior may change (for example, he or she may become irritable, aggressive or argumentative). If the person is experiencing hyperglycemia, his or her breath may have a fruity or sweet odor. Severe hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia can result in confusion, seizures or loss of consciousness and may be life threatening.

First Aid Care for Diabetic Emergencies –

Call 9-1-1 or the designated emergency number if the person is unresponsive, not fully awake or having a seizure. While you wait for help to arrive, provide appropriate care. For example, if the person is not fully awake, interview bystanders and conduct a head-to-toe check, then put the person in the recovery position. Make sure the person’s airway is clear of vomit and monitor the person’s breathing until help arrives. If the person is having a seizure, take steps to keep the person safe while you let the seizure run its course.

If the person is known to have diabetes and thinks he or she is having a diabetic emergency, you may be able to help the person by giving him or her some form of sugar. Only offer the person sugar by mouth if the person is responsive, able to answer your questions and able to swallow. Some people may be responsive but not fully awake and therefore not able to safely swallow; in this case, do not attempt to give the person sugar by mouth. Instead, call 9-1-1 or the designated emergency number. You should also call 9-1-1 or the designated emergency number if you are not able to immediately obtain an acceptable form of sugar. Acceptable forms of sugar include:glucose15

  • Glucose Tablets,
  • Candies that can be chewed,
  • Fruit Juice,
  • Fruit Strips,
  • Regular (non-diet) Soda,
  • Milk,
  • A Spoonful of sugar mixed into a glass of Water.


If it is safe for the person to have sugar by mouth, give 15 to 20 grams of sugar. Check the label on packaged products to determine how much of the package’s contents to give. Even if the person is experiencing hyperglycemia (too much glucose in the bloodstream), giving the person 15 to 20 grams of sugar will not cause additional harm. If possible, have the person check his or her blood glucose level. If the person is not feeling better in about 10 to 15 minutes, call 9-1-1 or the designated emergency number.
Some people with diabetes may have a prescribed glucagon kit that they carry with them to use in case of a severe hypoglycemic emergency. Glucagon is a hormone that stimulates the liver to release glucose into the bloodstream. The glucagon kit is only used when the person is unresponsive or has lost the ability to swallow. Those who spend a significant amount of time with the person (for example, family members, teachers, coaches or co-workers) may receive additional training to learn how to administer a glucagon injection.

Here at Safety Training Pros, we take health matters seriously. Making sure that you understand what Diabetes is, and what the signs and symptoms are, may help you care for a person who is having a diabetic emergency. If you, or a loved one, need first aid training please contact us at or 916-538-6447. We are here for all your safety training needs.




How to care for an Unresponsive Person with an Obstructed Airway

Posted on by Trainer in CPR, CPR for Business, General, Professional Rescuers, Rescue, Training Leave a comment

Have you ever asked yourself, what is the rationale behind the steps for caring for an unresponsive person with an obstructed airway? The American Red Cross has done a great job of explaining this below.

Since the evidence evaluation process in 2005 with a re-affirmation in 2010 and 2015, the care for a person with an obstructed airway that is (or becomes) unresponsive is to perform CPR.  Part of the rationale is based on principles of education and part is based on the science (medicine and physics).  From an educational perspective it is easier to learn and remember fewer skills and by teaching trained responders that when a person is unresponsive and not breathing to perform CPR.  It simplifies the process and increases the likelihood that a responder will remember (and hopefully) be more willing to act.  Because the evidence supports the delivery of chest compressions (chest thrusts) to relieve an obstructed airway, the process of CPR with a slight modification if a breath will not go in is the new standard of care.

I am often asked, “Will the attempt to give a breath push the object further downward?”  The general answer is no, but if it does go far enough it may not immediately matter.  Air will travel the path of least resistance and when a person becomes unresponsive often the muscles in the airway that may be closed or in spasm when the person is awake will relax allowing an attempted breath to pass by the object and provide at least some oxygen or the object may move or be dislodged when the person is lowered to the ground.  The amount of pressure or force to deliver a breath should not be able to move a lodged obstruction, but if it were able to move the object further downward and the object was small enough to pass beyond the vocal cords (the narrowest portion of the airway) it may relieve the complete obstruction or move the object out of the trachea (windpipe) and into most likely the right bronchus allowing air to pass into the left lung (while not ideal, certainly affords time for the problem to be corrected by a healthcare professional).

The other component relates to a person who was unresponsive with an unknown obstruction.  If you were unable to ventilate a person initially and felt there was an obstruction and changed the procedure to skip ventilations all together, it could prove to be a critical error. There are several reasons that a trained responder may be unsuccessful providing ventilations, with an airway obstruction being only one and perhaps the least common.  Proper opening of the airway and seal are common errors that are correctable and should be attempted when a breath does not go in.  Immediately switching to no ventilations would sacrifice the ability to provide oxygen after each set of 30 compressions (30:2 is still considered the standard of care for trained responders over hands-only CPR based on the science (and especially with an airway or breathing cause)).

Are you in need of CPR or First Aid Training? Is it time to get re-certified? Safety Training Pros is the premier safety training experts for individuals, groups, businesses, and government agencies. We provide professional training with high quality safety training materials in an engaging atmosphere so our clients have the life saving skills and knowledge that they need in an emergency. As a Licensed Training Partner of the American Red Cross, ASHI, and Medic First Aid, the leading providers of health and safety training, we can easily and efficiently provide the quality professional training required by all our customers. To speak with a safety expert please call us at 844-900-SAFE or visit us at


Halloween Safety Tips for You and Your Goblins

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With Halloween only days away, here are some Ghoulishly good tips to keep everyone safe both on and off the road.

  1. Walk Safely: Always look left, right and left again when crossing. Make sure you walk on sidewalks or paths.

2.  Trick-or-Treat with an Adult:  A parent or responsible adult should always accompany young children on the neighborhood rounds.

3.  Have creative and safe costumes:  When selecting a costume, make sure it is the right size to prevent trips and falls. Also, have your children try on their costumes to make sure they are comfortable and it is easy to move around in.

4.   Drive extra carefully:  Popular trick-or-treating hours are 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. so be especially alert for kids during those hours. According to, you should slow down and be especially alert in residential neighborhoods. Children are excited on Halloween and may move in unpredictable ways.

5.   Check all candy: The National Safety Council states that you should tell your children not to eat any treats until they return home. Just remember, “When in doubt, Throw it out!”

Stay Safe and Have a Spooktacular Holiday!


October is Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Month!

Posted on by Trainer in AED, CPR, General, Rescue, Training Leave a comment

Did you know that sudden cardiac arrest takes the lives of over 300,000 Americans each year? According to Mary Newman, SCA Foundation president, “About 500 Americans suffer sudden cardiac arrest every day and only 30 survive.”

What is Sudden Cardiac Arrest?

According to, Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is a malfunction of the heart’s electrical system, which causes it suddenly and unexpectedly to begin to beat rapidly, then erratically, and finally to stop altogether. When this happens, the heart cannot pump blood effectively. As such, blood flow to the brain is compromised and the victim quickly loses consciousness.

What can we do to increase the survival rate?

  1. Get CPR/AED Certified
  2. Have better access to AED’s

Where can I get this type of Training?

Safety Training Pros is the premier safety training experts for individuals, groups, businesses, and government agencies.We provide professional training with high quality safety training materials in an engaging atmosphere so our clients have the life saving skills and knowledge that they need in an emergency. As a Licensed Training Partner of the American Red Cross, ASHI, and Medic First Aid, the leading providers of health and safety training, we can easily and efficiently provide the quality professional training required by all our customers. This includes, but is not limited to, CPR and AED training. Please call us for more information at 844-900-SAFE or visit us at




CPR Training in High Schools-Bill Passed

Posted on by Trainer in AED, CPR, General, Rescue, Training Leave a comment

“Students can be taught the fundamental life-saving skill of hands-only CPR in 30 minutes or less” EMS1 Staff 

In August, Gov. Jerry Brown was given a month to sign a new bill that would make CPR training a high school graduation requirement. Over the weekend, he signed that bill putting it into effect beginning the 2018-2019 school year. Below is an article, by EMS1 Staff at, that discusses the importance of having this type of training in our schools.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Governor Jerry Brown signed AB 1719 to teach CPR in schools into law Sept. 24. The new law makes California the 35th state to provide CPR training in high schools, along with Washington, D.C.

“As an Emergency Medical Technician for over 30 years, I know that CPR is one of the most important life skills a person can have,” Calif. Assembly member Rodriguez, author of the bill said. “By teaching CPR in high school, we are sending students into the world with essential, life-saving skills.”

High schools that require a course in health education for graduation will begin to offer instruction in performing CPR in the 2018-2019 school year. Students can be taught the fundamental life-saving skill of hands-only CPR in 30 minutes or less.

“I am so glad I learned CPR at a young age because it helped save my friend’s life,” said 13-year-old Skylar Berry, an American Heart Association volunteer who learned CPR at a camp organized by her local Sacramento Metro Fire department. “We should all be prepared to act in the case of an emergency and I’m happy other students will now get the chance to learn CPR.”

Berry was at a birthday party when a group playing in the pool realized one of their friends was at the bottom. As they brought him to the surface, Skylar, who was 11 at the time, remembered the CPR training she’d received and immediately sprang into action. Since then, she’s been a strong advocate for teaching CPR to her fellow classmates and created the “Stayin’ Alive” club at her school to convey the importance of learning the lifesaving skill.

With the passage of AB1719, tragedies like the loss of Debbie Wilson’s daughter can be averted.

“If someone who had been near my daughter at the time of her collapse had known how to conduct cardiopulmonary resuscitation, her life could have been saved,” said Debbie Wilson, AB 1719 advocate and mother of a 17-year-old daughter who suffered a sudden cardiac arrest during tennis practice. “I want all students to have a chance to learn this life-saving skill so other families don’t suffer the same heart-break that ours did.”

Supporters of the bill included AHA, the American Red Cross, the California Professional Firefighters, the California State Parent Teacher Association, the California School Boards Association and California School Employees Association.

“So many lives have been saved because of the heroic act of bystanders who performed CPR. On the other hand, there are just as many stories of people who did not make it because no one nearby took action,” said Kathy Magliato, MD, AHA Western States Affiliate Board Member and a cardiothoracic surgeon. “With CPR in Schools, we have the opportunity to create a generation in which teens and young adults in California is trained in CPR as part of their health education and prepared to save lives. AB 1719 will add thousands of qualified lifesavers to our state.”


How to Prevent Electric Shock in Swimming Pools

Posted on by Trainer in Aquatics, Articles Leave a comment

You may have may have seen our recent post on Facebook about the tragic accident that involved a teen, who was electrocuted and drowned, in a pool over Labor Day Weekend. According to Aquatics International, “there have been four known pool electrocutions, two ending in death, since March of this year.”

As originally reported by Rebecca Robledo, in Pool and Spa News, this article discusses the issues surrounding electrical safety in and around pools.

It wasn’t a high-voltage light that killed a Florida child. Electrical professionals don’t think they’re the problem, but point to various poor practices that can place swimmers at risk.

It is the opinion of electrical experts who specialize in pools and spas that it shouldn't take more regulation to prevent electrical incidents like those that have appeared in the media. Rather, they say, the emphasis should be placed on better observation of the codes already in place. The trouble doesn't just stem from lights, they add, but also from improperly installed junction boxes, wrongly wired equipment and even failure to bond seemingly unrelated metallic elements around the pool.

Credit (clockwise from left): Paolo Benedetti; Paolo Benedetti; Alan Brotz It is the opinion of electrical experts who specialize in pools and spas that it shouldn’t take more regulation to prevent electrical incidents like those that have appeared in the media. Rather, they say, the emphasis should be placed on better observation of the codes already in place. The trouble doesn’t just stem from lights, they add, but also from improperly installed junction boxes, wrongly wired equipment and even failure to bond seemingly unrelated metallic elements around the pool.

One issue should be put to rest immediately, lest it cause distraction: It was not a high-voltage light that caused the death of Chris Sloan’s son. Nor does the father make that claim.

On April 13, 2014, 7-year-old Calder Sloan, a deft swimmer and intense liver of life, was in his Miami backyard pool when stray current entered and caused his electrocution. The tragedy made international headlines, even garnering a viral social-media campaign in which people — including some celebrities — posed with a self-portrait Calder had drawn, labeled with his nickname, “Mr. Awesome.” A massive version of the portrait was even beamed on the Times Square JumboTron and the Miami Heat’s American Airlines Arena.

His passing left his parents with a new aim: to advocate for electrically safe pools and spas to spare others the same tragedy. “Because my son involuntarily went away, I’m motivated,” Sloan says. “This is my mission for the rest of my life. It chose us; we didn’t choose it.”

In their advocacy of electrical safety, the Sloans achieved quick success when their own Miami/Dade County and neighboring Broward banned the installation of lights other than those classified as low-voltage according to the National Electrical Code. But with these victories and the media coverage surrounding it, Chris Sloan became pigeonholed as an advocate of low-voltage lighting in pools and spas. Media misinterpretation and even an interview misstep by one of his own allies portrayed him as claiming that Calder would be alive if his pool had had a low-voltage light. Various stories behind the incident’s cause have circulated around the Sunshine State, so when discussing the possibility of high-voltage-light bans, many first want to know if the more traditional technology led to the incident. If not, they figure, why is the father trying to impose this change on everybody?

In fact, the pool had low-voltage lighting — which did not produce the fatal current. “All I can say is there was an electrical short in our house, on our property,” says Sloan, who must choose his words carefully due to pending litigation. “And … the fail-safes and protections failed.” The lawsuit alleges fault in the bonding, grounding and lighting design.

Since lights and pumps were first introduced to pools, electrocution has been an issue. Some claim it is the second-highest cause of death in pools and spas, after drowning. But as with so many things, reliable statistics are not available. The Consumer Product Safety Commission reports 14 such fatalities between 2002 and 2009. However, the accounts of some incidents are somewhat unspecific or based on hearsay. A portion of the fatalities resulted from wires or energized electrical devices falling or being dropped in the vessel. This leads some to believe that the true incidence of deaths caused by faulty electrical systems is likely lower. On the other hand, some suspect these occurrences go under-reported: As with suction-entrapment fatalities, death certificates often list the cause as drowning without specifying electrocution, and incident reports often are incomplete.

But, especially for those such as Sloan who have suffered a loss due to pool and spa electrocution, the point is that these deaths seem avoidable.

In their argument against high-voltage light bans, industry advocates have said the issue expands past high- vs. low-voltage. A true examination of electrical safety merits a holistic approach, they say, one that accounts not only for safeguards surrounding the vessel, but those around the home as well, because current can travel to the pool from outside its immediate area.

On this, Sloan and the industry see eye to eye.

In this article, industry and electrical professionals discuss whether high-voltage illumination should be banned from pools and spas, where problems exist, and what can be done to further safeguard installations.

Question of illumination

Pool and spa lights make an easy culprit because they are immersed in the water.

Though the National Electrical Code has instituted numerous safeguards to prevent 120-volt incandescents from emitting current into water, low-voltage lights have long been considered another safety measure. For this technology, 120 volts flow from the main power source to a low-voltage transformer, where the power is “stepped down” to the lower levels.

Because these lights operate at a very low voltage, they are less inherently dangerous when taken on their own. Some believe the 120 volts generated by an incandescent light can introduce a fatal charge, whereas the power from low-voltage lights, generally 12 volts, can injure but not kill. (However, what constitutes a fatal voltage is largely up for question because it depends on many factors, such as body mass and distance from the source. In addition, the phenomenon of electroshock drowning doesn’t require electrocution, but simply immobilization.)

“A 12-volt light if installed properly. … Is it safer than a 120-volt light? I’d be a fool if I didn’t say yes, it’s safer,” says Alan Brotz, owner/president of Swim Systems Inc. in Oviedo, Fla., and an electrician who specializes in pools and spas. “That’s not to say that a 120-volt light installed properly with a routinely tested GFCI is not safe — it still has been proven to be safe.”

But low-voltage lights don’t come with a guarantee of safety or operate in a vacuum. They are not foolproof. Like any electrical component, they require correct installation, with the appropriate transformer and wiring, as well as bonding and grounding if they sit in a metal niche. Without this care, more than the 12 volts can get through the system and, should a short occur, into the water.

Just as important, an improperly wired low-voltage system still can function as a path for stray current generated from another source: As it seeks to complete the circuit, the current could travel through the grounding wire, for instance, to water.

“Even in recent history, in some cases the light’s been blamed, and really didn’t have anything to do with it,” says Bill Hamilton, Ph.D., president of Austin-based engineering and architectural firm Hamilton and Associates, and the Association of Pool & Spa Professionals’ principal representative on the committee that writes the NEC’s pool and spa section. “The ground wire just happened to be the route for electric current that was being produced by a short circuit somewhere else.”

By the same token, many industry professionals reiterate Brotz’s statement that 120-volt lights are safe if installed correctly, with the appropriate components, bonding and grounding. For this reason, they believe code should not ban high-voltage lights.

So far, the committee that writes the National Electrical Code has agreed. “This technical committee feels that with the voltage limitation 150 volts, and with all the other requirements such as ground fault circuit interrupters, third-party testing and listing [of certain components], that these result in safe installations,” says Gil Moniz, a senior electrical specialist with the National Fire Protection Association, the organization that writes the NEC.

Those in favor of banning high-voltage lights are uncomfortable relying on the installer’s acumen and safeguards such as ground fault circuit interrupters. “GFI circuit breakers can fail,” says Irv Chazen, Builder’s Committee chairman and government liaison for the Associated Swimming Pool Industries of Florida.

But some observers believe the question supersedes data. If low-voltage lighting will reduce the chances of electrocution, they ask, then why not require it?

“I don’t want to see anybody get electrocuted or shocked,” Chazen says. “It’s totally unnecessary, so I don’t see why the world shouldn’t go to 12-volt lights.”

Others see the issue as a matter of personal responsibility — and calculated risk

Mike Holt, a nationally known consultant and instructor on electrical systems, is building a pool in his own Florida backyard. When he saw the contractors creating niches in the shell, he immediately informed them there would be no underwater lighting.

“I am the kind of person who measures risk,” he says. “And there is no justification in my mind to risk putting electricity inside the water of a swimming pool. I understand the risk is almost insignificant, but it’s not worth it.”

But, of course, underwater lighting addresses other safety issues, such as the ability to distinguish plane changes in the shell or detect someone in distress. To address those concerns, Holt considers low-voltage lighting the best option.

It’s a matter of personal choice for him. “If I were going to do lighting, it would be 12-volt, but it doesn’t have to be [in the] code,” he says.

Truth be told, this debate may time out within a decade or less, in part because of the energy-efficiency movement. LED lights powered through solid-state technology usually operate more efficiently than incandescents, plus they incorporate fun features such as programmed color changing, so they may dominate the market in the next decade, Hamilton predicts.

Additionally, some products entering the market — high and low voltage — incorporate new barriers to stray current, such as all-plastic niches or hermetically sealed single assemblies. Some of the low-voltage versions don’t require a grounding wire, eliminating another avenue for current to travel into the water.

Outside the light

Individuals on both sides of the lighting argument agree that increasing electrical safety in pools and spas extends past the niche.

“There are lots of different places where line voltage could get into the water, and just focusing on the light is not going to solve all those other issues,” Brotz says.

There is only so much that can be accomplished through code. Like most, the NEC only governs new installation, not maintenance.

In Hamilton’s observations inspecting pool and spa electrical systems, the light itself was rarely the problem. Instead, he’s found incidents related to inadequate, damaged or absent bonding in concrete pools, as well as concurrent sources of stray current related to the wiring in other premises. “It’s generally a problem somewhere else that creates the current on the ground wire, and a nonexistent or deficient bonding system that lets it get into the pool water,” he says.

Bonding and grounding are the most important safeguards against electrocution in pools and spas. But some professionals don’t know the difference between these processes. Contractors who believe they are the same thing may only install one.

Grounding protects people against a possible fault in the system by electrically attaching equipment to earth ground, which is at the lowest “electrical potential,” referred to as 0 Volt potential. If there’s a fault, or short, the circuit breaker should trip and turn off the equipment.

To ground a piece of equipment, installers run a properly sized wire from the equipment, through the same conduit as the current-carrying conductors and to the circuit breaker panel. Finally, the wire attaches to the ground bus bar in the circuit breaker panel, which itself is connected to earth ground through a combination of ground rods, cold water pipes, building foundation steel, etc.

To bond a component means to electrically tie it with all specified elements, such as the pump, motor, ladder and even the water, to create a “bonding grid,” and minimize the difference in voltage from component to component. (Voltage also is referred to as potential.) If one piece of equipment becomes energized from a fault in the system, then there is a difference in potential from one element to the other, causing current from the more energized component to seek a path to the less energized component, in order to equalize. If a person steps in the way, he or she could become that path, or conductor.

A bonding system includes a No. 8 wire that runs from one element to the next, connecting to each on an often manufacturer-provided bonding lug. The wire also should attach to the pool steel in at least 4 locations and to a perimeter bonding ring under the deck, or to reinforcing steel in the deck, and to all permanently attached metallic objects within 5 feet of the pool’s edge. The wire runs through the earth, not always inside a conduit.

Installing these systems requires the use of proper components, from wires to connectors, and the ability to adapt to different settings and equipment brands. Observers such as Brotz believe these skills are in all too short supply in the pool and spa field.

If the solution rests with government mandates, it’s in ensuring the qualifications of those who work on pool and spa electrical systems, he says. In states such as his (Florida), code requires that licensed electricians perform the initial installation of a pool or spa’s electrical system. However, those who perform repairs and replacements go unaddressed.

Brotz sees mis-installed lights, but has witnessed hundreds, or even thousands, of cases where pumps, heat pumps, wires and other components were installed incorrectly. The opportunity for error comes with the installation and the repair/replacement of lights and equipment.

“I have come to the point where I strongly believe there needs to be an electrical certification class for pool people who touch electrical work,” he says.

A task such as changing a motor may seem simple; however, grounding and bonding wires must be installed correctly, with the right connectors.

“I have seen hundreds of motors that have been replaced by pool professionals with the ground wires or bond wires missing,” Brotz says. “The dangerous part of that scenario is when the homeowner turns on the pump, it runs, and they don’t know whether it’s installed safely or not. It just works, and that’s all they know.”

Errors in the field

Mistakes that electrical professionals see in the field range from the clearly wrong to the more off-base. But even seemingly small misses can create an opening for current to escape its assigned channels.

Properly installing these systems requires an in-depth knowledge of wire types and sizes, connectors, transformers and junction boxes. The water and mostly outdoor locations create their own challenges, which often must be met by special components.

Some of the obvious errors could have been performed by homeowners, their friends or handymen, or inexperienced professionals. A prime example of this can be found in the alteration of lights.

Hamilton relates the story of a California inspector who found two installations where the

insides of the light were removed and replaced with ballast transformers and mercury vapor lamps. “When you put a ballast in a mercury vapor light, you’re looking at well in excess of 120 volts or even 150 volts,” he says.

It seems the goal was increased brightness; however, the alteration flew in the face of the NEC, not only because the voltage exceeded the 150-volt limit, but also because it involved components not listed for use with the lights.

Other alterations may come in the form of inappropriate splicing. The NEC prohibits splicing of underwater wire connections, so pool and spa lights must be powered by a continuous cord, generally the 50-, 100- or 150-foot one supplied by the manufacturer and sealed to the back of the fixture. To replace a light, therefore, the technician must remove the entire cord and pull the new one in place, a process that can become frustrating when the line gets stuck. To work around this, some installers drain the pool below the light niche, cut the existing cord and strip wires back so they can splice in wires from the new light. They’ll then wrap the wires with tape or dip them in epoxy, believing they’ve provided a watertight connection.

“They’ve created an immense hazard for the homeowner,” Brotz says.

More common mistakes involve the choice of components. For instance, connectors, transformers and other parts of a pool or spa electrical system must be corrosion-resistant to withstand the chemicals and other pool- and spa-related substances that can leach into the soil or hover in the air around pumps, chlorinators and other equipment.

“A pool environment can be a lot more corrosive than just an environment out in the dirt somewhere,” Hamilton says. “You can have connecting devices that are listed for use underground that won’t last a month in a pool environment.”

Because of this pervasive problem, the upcoming 2017 NEC Article 680, currently undergoing an update, likely will require that appropriate connectors be listed for use in corrosive environments and that manufacturers disclose the materials from which they are made.

Higher-quality GFCIs also should be used to withstand the more aggressive environment. “When you start putting cheap ground fault circuit outlets as part of the system and they’re sitting in the elements, eventually they’re going to fail,” says David Peterson, president of San Diego-based Watershape Consulting. “And if nobody’s testing them, then you’ve got a problem.”

To help mitigate the most common homeowner error — failing to perform GFCI tests once a month — new, self-testing GFCI receptacles are entering the market. If they pass, they will automatically reset.

Misunderstandings also occur regarding the selection of transformers and junction boxes. While the NEC specifies junction boxes should be listed for pool or spa use by a third-party testing agency, some local jurisdictions don’t. It’s generally safer to follow the NEC here, Hamilton says.

In addition, low-voltage lights require a transformer or power supply listed for that application. These must have a grounded isolation barrier for the high-voltage winding or must be double-insulated. An incorrect transformer for low-voltage lighting increases the hazard of sending 120 volts to the pool light in the case of a failure.

The same holds true for pool and spa controllers.

“That transformer is supposed to be approved to the same UL standard so that it doesn’t short out and send line voltage [out to] the circuit board,” Peterson says. “If it did, that line voltage could go back through the wire and go right into the water.”

Missing a step

In some cases, seemingly minor steps are overlooked during the installation or replacement of constituents in an electrical system.

One of the most common examples of this occurs during the replacement of pumps and other equipment, when technicians sometimes fail to connect bonding or grounding wires that are already present and attached to the original equipment. If the item doesn’t come with a bonding lug, for instance, or if the new bonding lug looks different than the one on the original equipment, the technician may assume it isn’t necessary and not attach it.

In other cases, multiple bonding wires are present, with only one bonding lug on the equipment. Some installers then attach just one wire and leave the others loose, figuring that a pump, for example, only needs one bonding wire. However, these extra wires connect to something on the other side, likely another piece of equipment in the bonding grid, and are intended to attach to the component being replaced to ensure all appropriate components are included in the grid.

Liquid-tight conduit and connectors also may seem like minor parts and often are missing or not connected correctly. These tube-like jackets and their connectors serve as a barrier from surrounding moisture and protect wires from rubbing against edges on equipment, transformers, junction boxes and other components with corners.

When wires enter a transformer, for instance, they should not simply be strung through the opening. Instead, they should be placed in liquid-tight connectors so the edges of the opening can’t rub against the wire and wear away the insulation. If these wires became exposed, they could electrify items that contact it, including metal doors of the housings.

Pumps are supposed to have a liquid-tight connector screwed into the back of the motor, with a liquid-tight conduit connecting to it. Often, when pumps and motors are replaced, these items go missing, perhaps when the original is damaged and the technician doesn’t have a replacement on hand.

“So there are two hot [120-volt] conductors coming into the motor without protection around the conductors,” Brotz says. “If those conductors touch the side of the metal opening that they go into to get into the motor, now the motor casing becomes energized and you have a serious shock or electrocution hazard.”

If the pump is bonded and grounded properly, that minimizes the hazard because the breaker will trip; however, this safeguard should be done observed.

Serious mis-wire

Certain components, such as low-voltage transformers and electrical panels for control systems, combine low- and high-voltage wiring, which are meant to remain separate from each other.

That is why these housings contain individual compartments. But some professionals cross wires or even run them in the same conduit or enclosure, creating a serious hazard: If a high-voltage conductor were to become hot enough to melt the insulation of a low-voltage wire, then the bare wires could touch, causing high voltage to transfer into wires intended to send low voltage. High voltage then could be sent to the low-voltage light.

Twelve-volt wiring and 120-volt wiring should never occupy the same space, with one exception: inside the enclosure where the low voltage is created.

In a similar vein, while some lights may be low-voltage, their transformers hold high- and

low-voltage wiring. Here again, they each have their place: Low-voltage wiring must reside on the low-voltage side of the transformer and vice versa. To get this backward is to send potentially hundreds of volts to the lights.

“It takes 120 volts and turns it into 1,200,” Brotz says. “Instead of knocking it down by a factor of 10, the transformer is now a step-up transformer.”

Oftentimes, this mishap will damage the transformer due to a blown thermal fuse, so the high voltage never reaches the light; however, caution would dictate that it be done correctly.